
I find that people are like doors within doors: once one opens to us, there is another waiting inside, to be discovered.  And it’s that way with me.  I’m an author, an editor, a teacher–I’m a friend, a son, a seeker of Spirit.  I treasure words and the human imagination above most things, in the end–and I hope this is a place where I can open my doors to you just a bit–and, reading what I write here, you can feel free to open yours to me, just a bit.  And that, in itself, is an act of transformation.  Welcome.

For those interested in finding out about and purchasing my books, you can order from my publisher, Dark Moon Press, at darkmoonpress,com, or at my author page at Amazon.com.  https://www.amazon.com/Clay-Gilbert/e/B00BS1N1W4?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_46&qid=1599599685&sr=8-46

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